Have you ever had a conversation with a Bulgarian person in English when suddenly they will say something like this:
- And by the end of the conversation I was left with a finger in my mouth.
- This information just passed through his ears.
- She was leading him by the nose for years before he understood what was happening.
Idioms, metaphors and set phrases are some of the most interesting phenomenon in language since they create links where there previously were none, they have a strong cultural background and provide a great visual aspect to the conversation. It is difficult to determine how many there are, since they form naturally within communities and will tend to differ depending on the region. In order for one to understand and use them freely, one needs to have gathered a significant amount of knowledge in vocabulary and grammar, however it is very useful to have a general knowledge of the most common phrases, for they are used quite often and tend to be a source of humor as well as information.
Here are 20 useful Bulgarian idioms connected with body parts that you can meet in a daily conversation. Some phrases in Bulgarian are very similar to those in English, so they are given with a direct equivalent:
1. Не (ми) излиза от главата – This can be used for an idea that is stuck in your head. It is often used for a romantic aspiration towards someone. The opposite Излезе ми от главата – is used when one forgot something they had to do.
2. Блъскам си главата – I try to understand, comprehend or solve something. OR
I struggle, I work on something, I work hard OR
I am very sorry for something that happened through my fault; I regret bitterly, I regret something.
3. Мотая се в краката на някого - I hang out somewhere without a job and interfere with someone who works (just imagine what cats do)
4. Водя за носа - I have completely subdued someone to my will and I make them do everything I want obediently
5. Не вижда по-далече от носа си – to be very narrow-minded, not being able to delve deeper into things or being only interested in things that directly affect one’s being
6. Познавам ... като петте си пръста – to know something like the back of my hand
7. Пускам да ми мине покрай ушите - to not pay attention to a given information
8. Без да си мръдна пръста - without lifting a finger
9. Говорим на различни езици – we speak different languages in the sense of we find it difficult to meet in our ideas and beliefs
10. Оставам с пръст в устата – to be left with a finger in your mouth means to be very surprised, deceived by something; or you are not getting anything from a situation
11. затварям си очите - close one's eyes to smth
12. държа под око - keep an eye on smblsmth
13. музика за ушите ми - music to smb's ears
14. стените имат уши - walls have ears
15. въртя някого на малкия си пръст - twist wind smb around one's little finger
16. на една ръка разстояние - (close,near) at hand
17. подавам ръка на някого - give smb a hand
18. от глава до пети - from head to toe
19. пъхам си носа някъде – to stick one's nose in(to) smth. When you meddle in someone else's business.
20. под носа на някого - right under sb. nose